I don’t know about you, but I have had a crazy 2016. We moved out of our first home. One of our dogs died. Into my parent’s house for a couple months. We bought a new house. We renovated the first floor. We moved into our new house. We got a new dog. I raced…
Fancy Fox Quilts – Part 1
Follow my adventure making Fancy Fox quilts. I call this one “What does the fox say?” If you look at quilts, or the Instagram feeds / Pinterest boards of people who sew you have probably seen the amazing Fancy Fox quilt from the talented Elizabeth Hartman. Her fox blocks will knock your socks off. Haha….
Cloth Diaper Burp Cloths {Part 2}
Tutorial to sew flannel fabric to cloth diapers for custom baby burp cloths. These make great handmade baby shower gifts and are easy enough for beginners to make. If you haven’t checked out part 1 yet be sure to stop over and see how I dyed the cloth diapers and get the details about where…
Cloth Diaper Burp Cloths {Part 1}
When I was pregnant with Thor I read that cloth diapers make excellent burp cloths. So I ordered some. Turns out I didn’t know anything about cloth diapers. Because when they arrived they were the thinnest things I had ever seen. How were these supposed to be super absorbent for all that baby spit? They…
DIY Car Seat Cover
Recently a friend of mine adopted a new born baby boy. She and her husband were surprised with his arrival because they found out on a Wednesday that they were going to get a baby on Saturday. That’s fast! Barely enough time to get some essentials together, let alone anything extra. I wanted to send…